Correlated quantum matter and unusual transport phenomena.
The lab Quantum Physics in Circuit explores quantum phenomena in nano-scale electronic circuits, from correlated electronic matter to quantum transport across elementary conduction channels.
October 2024: Welcome to Francesca Zanichelli, who is starting her PhD in the team!
September 2024: Our work on anyon statistics along the integer quantum Hall edges has been published. Check it out at Nature Communications 15, 6578 (2024).
July 2024: Our observation of the predicted scaling dimension of fractional quantum anyons has been published in Nature. This quantum number characterizes the quasiparticles' unconventional dynamics. Congratulation to Alexandre, Colin and all the young people that made it possible! Check it out: Nature 632, 517 (2024) or arXiv:2401.18044.
May 2024: Our preprint 'Signature of anyonic statistics in the integer quantum Hall regime' (arXiv:2401:06069) has been highlighted in the monthly selection of the cond-mat journal club with a recommandation by Roederich Moessner:
November 2023: Our experiment on the observation of the universal screening of a Kondo impurity has been published! Check it out: Piquard et al., Nat. Commun. 14, 7263 (2023)
October 2023: A warm welcome to Alexandre Veillon, starting his PhD in the QPC team!
June 2023: Welcome Yosuke! New postdoc in the team working on entropy measurements with Colin.
March 2023: The paper on the investigation of anyon braiding statistics from noise cross-correlations is now published in Phys. Rev. X 13, 011030 (2023) (arXiv:2210.01054)
February 2023: We warmly welcome Ivana, new postdoc in the team.
January 2023: Our paper on the Andreev-like scattering of incident fractional quasiparticles at quantum Hall filling factor 1/3 has been published in Nature communications. Check it out: Nat. Commun. 14, 514 (2023) (arXiv:2206.08068)
September 2022: A post-doctoral position is open in the QPC lab. We are seeking applications from dynamic young scientists, see Opportunities. November update: the position is filled.
April 2022: The CNRS silver medal was awarded to Frédéric Pierre. This distinction rewards a team work. Congratulations to all!
February 2022: Our post-doc Olivier Maillet has obtained a much coveted, permanent research position in the Nanoelectronics group at CEA-Saclay. A life changing news, congratulations to you Olivier!
October 2021: Welcome to our new PhD student Colin Piquard!
July 2021: Starting date of the ERC synergy project Quantropy with our partners from Canada, Israel and Switzerland!
May 2021: Congratulation to Anne Anthore for her Professor promotion!
May 2021: What is the conductance of a quantum conductor connected to circuit nodes at different temperatures? Our investigation on a single quantum channel submitted to a temperature difference has just been published in Physical Review Research. It also includes theoretical advances for near ballistic channels and numerous useful analytical expressions.
March 2021: Congratulation Olivier for your successful application to the presitigious Marie Curie cofund Paris Region postdoc fellowship!
December 2020: Congratulation Hadrien for your PhD defense and best wishes of success for your postdoc at Zurich.
November 2020: The Quantropy ERC synergy project is founded! The project is together with our partners at ETH (Zurich), UBC (Vancouver), BGU (Neguev) and Tel Aviv University. It will start next July for 6 years.
October 2020: Welcome to Pierre (PhD) and Olivier (postdoc)!
March 2020: Our collaborative work on the comparison between different implementations of the universal Luttinger liquids has been published. Check it out in European Physical Journal.
December 16, 2019: Congratulations Emile for this great PhD defense and for the mastery shown in your answers to the questions!
December 2019: And now it is our investigation of the electronic heat flow and thermal shot noise in quantum circuits that is being published, a few days later, in Nature Communications !
December 2019: Our new paper on the non-local quantum transmission of the electrons' state has been published in Science!
May 2019: Our paper demonstrating a 0.25 mm electron coherence length in a solid-state circuit is now published in Phys. Rev. X. (C2N news)
April 2019: Hadrien Duprez obtained one of the two awards for best oral presentation at the C2N PhD days. Congratulations Hadrien for this pedagogical tour de force!
October 2018: Great Prize Madame Victor Noury of the French Academy of Sciences awarded to Frédéric Pierre.
September 2018: The new paper on the circuit quantum simulation of a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid appeared in Phys. Rev. X and was highlighted by a Viewpoint in Physics. (C2N news)
August 2018: Zubair's PhD, nominated as an outstanding thesis by Paris-Sud university, was published as a book by Springer.
June 2018: The Science 'Research Article' (long format) on quantum criticality and superballistic transport is now published in its final printed form (also available on arXiv) and has been selected for a CNRS news (French).
May 2018: The paper exploring quantum criticality and superballistic transport with a circuit was put forward in the selective First Release program of Science!
February 2018: The paper on the Coulomb blockade of heat is now published in Nature Physics, and put forward on the cover page.
December 2017: National C'NANO PhD prize attributed to Zubair. Congratulations!